High Performance USEF Rider’s Schedule for 2/18-2/19
Below is the schedule for the High Performance USEF riders’ schedule weather permitting for 2/18-19 at Stable View.
Wednesday, February 18
10:00 Phillip
10:30 Phillip
11:00 Phillip
11:30 Lillian
12:00 Lillian
12:30 Boyd
1:00 Boyd
1:30 Kim
2:00 Boyd
2:30 Boyd
3:00 Kim
3:30 Will
4:00 Will
Thursday, February 19
8:00 Phillip
8:30 Phillip
9:00 Phillip
9:30 Phillip
10:00 Phillip
10:30 Phillip
11:00 Lillian
11:30 Lillian
12:00 Boyd
12:30 Boyd
1:00 Boyd
1:30 Kim (with David/Silvio)
2:00 Kim (with David/Silvio)
8:00 Will
8:30 Will
9:00 Boyd
9:30 Boyd
10:00 Lillian