Stable View Bird Program Introduction
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As part of the environmental projects at Stable View, the property hosts 17 bird boxes: 12 bluebird boxes and 5 screech owl boxes. Currently, our fledges are significantly increased from this time last year, with 46 bluebird fledges to date, compared with 25 at this point in the 2017 season. The nesting kestrel returned, and the four offspring have fledged. Kestrels only lay one brood per year, so we hope that they will return next year! There was also a nesting Killdeer, which build their nests on the ground rather than in a box like cavity-nesting species do.
The total fledges so far for the South Carolina Bluebird Society is 1,637 birds. These are great numbers for this point in the season and reflect the excellent work of bird enthusiasts across the state.
This year, we have also had two flying squirrels who have taken up residence in one of our screech-owl boxes over the past few months. The squirrels are nocturnal so they are typically sleeping when we check the boxes, but occasionally they wake up from the disturbance.
The Red Cockaded Woodpecker project is still in the planning and preparation stage, and we look forward to recording their activity on Stable View’s property in 2019.
As the second broods have started in many of the boxes, there have been two interesting nests. One box is currently housing white bluebird eggs, which are the result of a rare genetic trait in female bluebirds. Only 4% of bluebird eggs are white! Additionally, there is a Great-Crested Flycatcher nest, the first of its kind at Stable View. Check our facebook page often for developments on these nests!
For any questions regarding bluebirds or ways to get involved with your own bluebird trail, contact the South Carolina Bluebird Society.
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